mercredi, septembre 10

Work? What's that?

Well, today is the first day I've had to really do homework. Homework is no work for me, at least while I'm in Japan. The real highlight of today was playing frisbee outside with a bunch of awesome people. The lowlight of today was accidentally hitting a Japanese girl in the face at the end of a throw. I was so embarrassed, but she wasn't peeved at me at all, and she kept saying "daijobu daijobu daijobu yo" (it's okay, it's okay, it's okay) so, I guess it was okay. But other than that, frisbee was really fun, and a rather exasperating workout under the simmering sun. And the sun was still simmering at 5:20 when it ended!

I told my host family I would be back at 8:30 tonight because I needed to do some work and play some frisbee. But the language lab closed at 6 (which I didn't know it would because the hours are posted on the INSIDE of the lab) and so I didn't do my listening homework properly. In any case, the transcript of the conversations is provided, and I'm supposed to check my answers on that. I'm going to tell my teacher anyway in case she can see whether I actually listened to the whole file (which is 18 and a half minutes long) three times like I was supposed to. Argh. At least I think I'm going to tell her. Argh, what should I do? I wasn't the only one who didn't listen more than once. Oh well, not like it really matters. The other people can just claim they got it all on the second try. Yeah.

I'm good.

I mistyped that as "I'm god," which I'm certainly not. Geez-us.

My sociology class is going to be so awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. The econs course should be interesting, too, although it went at somewhat of a plodding pace. So did the sociology class, though. And this was all because it was the first day, and the professors here don't have the attitude of the Tufts professors that you should get something done on the first day aside from introducing the course with information that people don't need to write down. And I like it this way, although it also helps that the tuition is lower so you don't really feel like you're wasting money. Either way, let's put this in perspective: I'm in JAPAN. Who cares if I get to relax for once?


1 commentaire:

Galen a dit…

yeah hit that japanese girl d00d.